Event > 16.08.24

Lungolago – Arena Nadur

Friday the 16th of August 2024, at 9:00pm

Clown and mime show on prehistory

It is the story of a child who was born and lived in prehistory and who, like every child today, laughs, plays, cries and despairs and does so in the company of a puppet that he builds with what he finds in nature. A beautiful story full of dense meanings and profound values ​​that Teatro Blu has staged using techniques linked to the comedy of the theater and the virtuosity of the clown mime. Dudù takes us into a world made of stones and caves, of fish and dinosaurs, of fear and celebration, a world that is sometimes cruel and sometimes surreal where everything happens. An imaginative show full of comedy.

Starring: Shinya Murayama

Text and direction: Silvia Priori

Music: Robert Gorick

Organized by Teatro Blu.

For more information: https://www.teatroblu.it/dudu-nella-preistoria

Music and entertaiment

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