Event > 02.06.25

CAI hut Baveno

Monday the 2nd June 2025, from 11.30 am

Traditional feast at the Cabin of Alpe Nuovo Mottarone.


11.30 am Holy Mass at Monte Zughero;

12.30 pm Lunch.

ALPE NUOVO – how to reach it.

From Mottarone: Path VM3 (Baita CAI Baveno – Alpe Nuovo) / Walking time 20 minutes – Level  T

From Baveno: start in Tranquilla – Oltrefiume. Path VM3 Monte Camoscio-Alpe Vedabia-Alpe Nuovo Baita CAI / Walking time 3,30 ore   Level: E

From Levo: Path VM5-VM3B-VM3 Levo-Alpe Vedabia-Alpe Nuovo Baita CAI / Walking time 2,15 ore  Level: E

All the path are at your own risk. No guide will be provided

Info: Virgilio Gianelli 339 2984097 – www.caibaveno.it

Organised by CAI Baveno.

Excursions and sports Contry Fest Trekking

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