Event > 19.10.24

Saints Gervaso e Protaso Church and Saint John Baptistery

Saturday the 19th of October 2024, at 9.00pm

The Aid Center for Ethiopia offers an evening of poetry and music on the life of Mary, at the Church of SS. Gervasus and Protasus.

Novo Cantico di Turbigo polyphonic choir with the participation of Giovanni Riva (transverse flute) and Pier Paolo Senaldi (classical guitar)

Theatre piece “The White Pullman” monologue by Monica Rosiello

Free entry – the proceeds of the evening will go to support the construction of a nursery school in Soddo (Ethiopia).

Organized by Centro Aiuti per l’Etiopia ODV ETS with the patronage of Città di Baveno.

Music and entertaiment

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